Friday, December 5, 2008

FPU = complete! (mostly)

We made it through our was very good & informative. We missed the last 2 classes due to various illnesses. Thats okay.

During those 13 weeks we incurred NO NEW DEBT and paid down our debt over $4000. Our starting balance was almost $54K, so we are officially at $49,800. It is good.

Also during this time, my income from the daycare decreased about 1/3 (not good), our house payment went up 1/3, and an unexpected medical expense. We haven't had to hit the emergency fund, and so far have had at least some money to snowball every month. And in case you think we might have a big "shovel"...NOPE! Our take home pay for the month is only around 4000-4400/mo. Average.

What this means is that we were able to reduce our living expenses enough (1/3, so we are living on 67% of our take home pay), to be able to pay off debt equaling a month's worth of pay. Amazing.

To be honest, we are not funding some of our envelopes right now (clothing, classes for the kids, curriculum, housing wants). We have enough of those things for the better part year or even two years. So when we are done with the debt payoff, there are still items to be replaced/fixed/etc, that we are totally putting off for now. Still, those items will only add a couple hundred, at most, to the overall budget.